Final Statistics for MST3k Riff-a-Day

I thought it might be interesting to offer some year-end statistics that WordPress gathered in the keeping of this blog. Throughout the project I managed to do at least one riff from every episode and at least one riff from every short. Thanks again to everyone who read each day.

Total pageviews: A humble 25,017

Most views in a day: 796, one of the days I was pimping the blog on the MST3k subreddit.

Total WordPress followers (who get email updates): 84

Total comments: 450 on the nose.

Most viewed riffs: 

1. “What’s the word? Thunderbird! What’s the price? Forty twice!

2. “This is no time for zymurgy!

3. “This is like the time I hit the reporter with Piltdown Man’s thighbone.”

Top riff categories:

1. Movies, with 60

2. Music, with 59

3. TV, with 55

4. Consumer goods, with 51

5. Actors, with 37

Most riffed episodes (the ones I did most):

1. “The Unearthly,” “Jack Frost,” “The Brute Man” and “The Beast of Yucca Flats” are all tied with five riffs.

2. “Radar Secret Service,” “The Sinister Urge,” “The Killer Shrews,” “The Painted Hills,” “I Accuse my Parents” and “Crash of the Moons” all have four riffs.

The final week of MST3k Riff-a-Day

Hello, readers. There’s not a ton of you out there, but I would just like to say thank you for reading along with my MST3k project throughout the course of this year.

This blog began as a response to “thing a day” projects that friends and acquaintances were attempting, and went on to be an unqualified success. I learned the origins of many riffs I never understood before, and was able to educate other viewers in the same. In the year’s time, I never missed a daily update.

Now, though, there is only one week left in the initial 365-day challenge, and I’ve decided not to continue MST3k Riff-a-Day after that time is up. Although I’ve enjoyed writing it, the daily updates have been wearing on me, and I won’t miss having to ensure there’s a new post ready to go up each morning.

And so, thank you for reading. I’ve really appreciated all the comments over the course of the year. I will leave you with Joel’s wise words regarding the Circus of Doctor Lao.

EDIT: Somebody asked in the comments if I would still look up, research or otherwise figure out obscure riffs if they are suggested to me here, and I don’t see why not. Simply leave them on the “Suggest-a-Riff” page.